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Coach Boatman: The 24 Hour Bulldog

The rest of the story:

As most of you who are interested have heard by now, Wartburg Central High School hired a new head football coach: Coach Corey Boatman.

He is a young man with an already impressive resume. The administration searched for a coach that could change the culture in Wartburg, and with Coach Boatman they found just the guy to make it happen, they believed. Coach Boatman was set to usher in a new era of winning football games by the Bulldogs after several seasons of losing.

But in less than 24 hours, it was announced by school officials that Coach Boatman and Wartburg Central High School had “agreed” it was in the best interest of both parties (Boatman and the school) to part ways.

It seemed that just as quick as the post announcing his hire was up on WCHS facebook page, it was gone. Congratulatory posts on social media began to disappear.

Questions instantly began to arise from all over the community. What happened? Is this a rumor? Is it true? It must have been something bad, right?

We began reaching out in various ways to Coach Boatman and school officials to find out what had happened. Coach Boatman gave us a call back and gave us an exclusive interview.

His perspective of the events that transpired was different of school officials. He let us know it was not a mutual decision and he did NOT resign.

I was forced out. I did not resign.

Coach Corey Boatman

That is when he began to tell us what had happened. Thirteen years ago while in college he had misdemeanor convictions dealing with marijuana. He was on supervised probation and then when it was over it was all expunged.

Here is where it gets interesting. He states that he disclosed all this upfront in conversations with school officials and on his application. According to his application he did.

A screenshot of Coach Boatman’s application for the position.

Not only did he disclose it. He passed a background check.

A screenshot of the messages between Coach Boatman and school officials stating the background check was good to go.

Yes, I have a misdemeanor conviction of intent to sale, and simple possession of marijuana, being .5 grams, in Polk county in 2009. All which occurred in college and all have been expunged. Since that point, I have graduated with two degrees, and an endorsement for special education from Carson Newman. I have also taught and coached in 5 counties. One of which was Polk County where I had been in trouble. I’ve coached at the college level in two different states.

Coach Corey boatman
Coach Corey Boatman holding a little fan at a game.

Everyone has a past. I choose to use mine as a testimony for the greater good. What are second chances for? I mean Moses was a murder. David committed adultery and murder, and they went on to be mighty men of God.

Coach corey boatman

We were able to speak with school officials who confirmed that Coach Boatman was no longer the head coach. They said they offered Coach Boatman the ability to stay in the classroom but could not allow him to be the head coach. They also said it was a mutual agreement to part ways which Coach Boatman disputes. When asked if the marijuana issue was the reason for the change of course they stated it was part of the decision making process.

Wartburg will now continue looking for a head coach to turn the football program around.

As this story continues to develop we will keep everyone updated.

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