Suppression or Protection?
MoCo Speaks: So it begins!
This is the headline on CNN. No doubt about it there is an agenda behind the story. It was all in the works from the beginning.

For many years conservative legislatures all across the nation had put in place many laws to protect the integrity of our election system. An example of these are Voter I.D. laws, limiting mail in voting to absentee, etc. The purpose of these laws is to ensure that no one tampers with the integrity of the election because really without that we don’t have a constitutional republic any longer. Seems simple enough right? Well not so fast. Many on the left have always said those laws were oppressive voting laws, somehow meant to strip Americans of their right to vote or at least so goes the narrative.
Now that a lot of those laws were loosened during the pandemic any attempt to enforce them now or continue to pass laws to protect the integrity of future elections will have the left screaming headlines like the one here. At the end of the day we must ensure the integrity of our elections so that the confidence is restored no matter who wins. We can not as a nation continue down a road that really began in 2016, where nearly half the electorate believes a President is illegitimate.
Laws to strengthen the integrity of our elections are just that. They protect YOUR vote.